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['WHAT?' | AND Lab]

Modo Operativo AND




The AND Lab | Research Centre for Art-Thinking & Politics of Togetherness is a practice-based platform dedicated to the transmission and other ways of sharing Modus Operandi AND (MO_AND), as well as to its applications and continuous unfolding. MO_AND is a methodology, created by anthropologist and artist Fernanda Eugenio, concerned with an ethical-aesthetic, somatic-political and experimental investigation of relations and reciprocity, based on the radical commitment to acknowledge and "repair the Irreparable".

Of transversal applicability, ranging from the daily handling of living-together to collaborative creation, from artistic practices to care practices; from the work of (re)mediation to the work of intervention, from de-scission making processes to experimental initiatives for a sensitive reconnection to earth;  from the cartography and curation of individual somatic and affective dimensions to the intimate and collective struggles for trans-form-a(c)tion and social justness), MO_AND can be summarized in a threefold procedure: Re-parar, Reparagem and Reparação (three dimensions that are embedded in the Portuguese word Reparar: stopping-again, noticing, repairing/taking care of). Part of what makes MO_AND at the same time singular and broad is the commitment to perform the concepts, turning them into tools and returning them to a very direct and grounded/situated use.

AND Lab activities unfold along three different axes: Research-Creation, Transmission-Sharing and Assisting-Care.


The Research-Creation dimension includes the guidelines AND Territory, AND Soma and AND Care, in addition to hosting different collaborative projects and the incessant work of conceptual (re) invention and creation of varied artifacts and interfaces for the presentation of MO_AND (publications, performances and events such as exhibitions, occupations or thematic cycles). This research-creation plan mobilizes associated researchers and direct collaborators, and is also open to visiting researchers, MO_AND researchers or creators/researchers, from any area, committed to the issue of the Common.

The Transmission-Sharing and Assisting-Care sections involve the MO_AND Workshops Program, collaborative practices workshops, the Assisted Residency Program, with permanent open applications, the regular offer of sessions and practices by appointment and, as a durational action, the School of Reparar. This last, constitutes itself as a continuous program of artistic-political and care-curatorial training, with annual thematic editions, which covers open and regular training activities, in addition to offering several interfaces for continuous practice sessions and exchange of procedures, providing different possibilities for a singular and collective relation with MO_AND.

O Modo Operativo AND [MO_AND]

The Modus Operandi AND [MO_AND]

Diretrizes do AND Lab

AND Lab Directives

O Espaço AND Lab

The AND Lab Space

Historial & Trajetória

History & Trajectory

The connective AND gives name both to the Research Centre and the Modus Operandi, synthesizing a hand-crafted approach that is based neither on knowing (the logic of IS) nor finding (the logic of OR) but in f(l)avour (of) and the encounter (the logic of AND).


Functioning as a common place for the convergence among the arts, critical thinking, embodied political-affective practices, radical pedagogies, modes of existence-inhabiting and modes of creation and (un) learning, AND Lab operates in the encounter between the following transversal concerns - how to live together? and how not to have an idea? – both summarize the inhabited philosophy of the Modus Operandi AND, which in turn unfolds into other driving questions in face of the irreparable colonial wound: how to live alone? how to die together? how to kill the system within ourselves without dying? how to re-member, attuning to inseparability at the level of sensitive experience?


Based in Lisbon (Portugal) with clusters in Madrid (Spain), in Berlin (Germany) and Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília and Palmas (Brazil), AND Lab offers a manifold and geographically distributed programme - predominantly between Europe and South America, mainly the Portugal-Brazil axis.



AND Lab Team

Parcerias & Apoios

Partnerships & Supports
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